Annual Operating Framework: Cancer Waiting Times


Reporting Data Item

Business Justification


Note: Where ‘NHS Wales Data Dictionary’ the definition is as per the Data Dictionary.

Permissible Values



ENCDv4.5b (2.4)






Priority of referral

Facilitates the algorithm utilised to support Annual Operating Framework data collection and submission.

This is the priority of a request for services and is to be recorded for a new patient, that is, First Attendance = 1 In the case of services to be provided by a Consultant, it is as assessed by or on behalf of the Consultant.

NHS Wales Data Dictionary

1 – Urgent referral for suspected cancer from a General Medical Practitioner or General Dental Practitioner, classified by consultant

2 – Other referral source or urgency, classified by consultant


Date of decision to treat


Required for the audit of the national cancer waiting times.  To measure the waiting time between date of diagnosis (date of decision to treat) and first definitive treatment for non-urgent suspected cancer patients.

The date upon which the decision to treat was confirmed between a designated member of the multi disciplinary team and the patient.

Refer to Welsh Health Circular (WHC(2004)067) & CSCG (Cancer Services Coordinating Group) Cancer Waiting Times Query Log


Date of start of first definitive procedure 

To determine the time interval between referral and diagnosis by the specialist team and the start of treatment. Required to be able to the measure survival time from the start of treatment. To enable the date of first definitive treatment to be recorded.

Date of start of the first definitive procedure which may be surgery (not examination under anaesthetic which is considered staging), radiotherapy, drug therapy, specialist palliative care etc. It is also reported in addition to the surgery, radiotherapy and drug therapy start date data items.

Refer to Welsh Health Circular (WHC(2004)067) & CSCG (Cancer Services Coordinating Group) Cancer Waiting Times Query Log


First procedure

To support the tracking of patients, adhering to the requirements of the Annual Operating Framework: Cancer Waiting Times.

The type of the first procedure which may be surgery (not examination under anaesthetic which is considered staging), radiotherapy, drug therapy, specialist palliative care etc. It is also reported in addition to the surgery, radiotherapy and drug therapy type data items.

Permissible values are agreed by the clinical steering groups and conform to the requirements of the reporting output specifications. Currently there is no explicit requirement to map to terminologies or classifications. This will be kept under review.




      Hormone therapy

      Specialist palliative care



      Active monitoring



Suspension start date

Details planned treatment information used to manage patient care and service delivery to comply with cancer waiting times.

This allows the start of a period of suspension to be recorded.

Refer to Welsh Health Circular (WHC(2004)067) & CSCG (Cancer Services Coordinating Group) Cancer Waiting Times Query Log


Suspension end date

Details planned treatment information used to manage patient care and service delivery to comply with cancer waiting times.

This allows the end of a period of suspension to be recorded.

Refer to Welsh Health Circular (WHC(2004)067) & CSCG (Cancer Services Coordinating Group) Cancer Waiting Times Query Log


Reason for breach

Analysis is required at Health Board, Network, and Regional and National level on reasons why patients breach cancer waiting times. A picklist was complied after consultation with cancer waiting times staff in all Health Boards in Wales, English (Data Set Change Notice) DSCN22/2002 and was approved by the Welsh Assembly Government Cancer Waiting Times Advisory sub-group.

The reason why the patient was not treated within the required treatment times according to the cancer waiting times standards.

Permissible values are agreed by the clinical steering groups and conform to the requirements of the reporting output specifications. Currently there is no explicit requirement to map to terminologies or classifications. This will be kept under review.

      Clinic cancellation

      Outpatient capacity inadequate

      Administrative delay

      Elective IP (in-patient) cancellation by Trust (non- medical reason)

      Elective IP cancellation by Trust: no ward beds available (patient unable to be scheduled for treatment within target time)

      Elective IP cancellation by Trust: no HDU (high dependency unit) beds available (patient unable to be scheduled for treatment within target time)

      Elective IP cancellation by Trust: no ITU (intensive therapy unit) beds available (patient unable to be  scheduled for treatment within target time)

      Elective IP cancellation by Trust: no theatre time available (patient unable to be  scheduled for treatment within target time)

      Delay to diagnostic test(s) – delay caused by wait for diagnostic test(s)

      Complex diagnostic pathway (many or complex, diagnostic tests required)

      Delay in patient pathway due to referral between Trusts for radiotherapy

      Delay in patient pathway due to referral for in house chemotherapy

      Delay in patient pathway due to referral for tertiary chemotherapy

      Delay in patient pathway due to referral for in house surgery

      Delay in patient pathway due to referral for tertiary surgery

      Delay in patient pathway due to referral between Trusts for specialist palliative care

      Delay in patient pathway due to delay in  diagnostic report being received

      Consultant leave

      Other (please specify)


[multiple responses possible]