Drug Therapy [including chemotherapy, hormonal, and biological agents]



Reporting Data Item

Business Justification


Note: Where ‘NHS Wales Data Dictionary’ the definition is as per the Data Dictionary.

Permissible Values

8. DRUG THERAPY [including chemotherapy, hormone and biological agents]


ENCDv4.5b (9.10)

Date treatment started (drug therapy)

To determine the time interval between referral and diagnosis by the specialist team and the start of treatment. Required to be able to the measure survival time from the start of treatment. To enable the date of first definitive treatment to be recorded.

The date on which the drug therapy was first administered.



ENCDv4.5b (9.8)




Treatment intent (drug therapy)

To establish the frequency of different treatment intents.

To monitor treatment related outcomes. To assess patterns of chemotherapy or other drug therapy practice for comparison with best practice guidelines.

The intended outcome of the drug therapy to be administered.


Permissible values are agreed by the clinical steering groups and conform to the requirements of the reporting output specifications. Currently there is no explicit requirement to map to terminologies or classifications. This will be kept under review.



      Radical (curative)



ENCDv4.5b (9.7)


Drug therapy type

To establish patterns of drug therapy treatment.

The type of drug therapy administered.

Permissible values are agreed by the clinical steering groups and conform to the requirements of the reporting output specifications. Currently there is no explicit requirement to map to terminologies or classifications. This will be kept under review.


      Hormone / endocrine therapy


      Bisphosphonate therapy





To determine the regimen of drug therapy treatment. Required for submission of the urological clinical indicators.

The regimen of the drug therapy administered.

Permissible values are agreed by the clinical steering groups and conform to the requirements of the reporting output specifications. Currently there is no explicit requirement to map to terminologies or classifications. This will be kept under review.