

This is a new-born infant up to the age of 28 days.

There are three main diagnostic classifications based upon the level of care administered to the neonate during its hospital stay:



Neonate Normal: care given, usually by a mother in a maternity neonatal ward, supervised by a midwife and doctor but requiring minimal medical or nursing advice.


Neonate Special: Care given in a special care nursery, transitional care ward or postnatal ward which provides care and treatment exceeding normal routine care. Some aspects of special care can be undertaken by a mother supervised by qualified nursing staff. Special nursing care includes support and education of the infant's parent(s).


Level 2 Intensive Care (High Dependency Intensive Care): Care given in an intensive or special care nursery which provides continuous skilled supervision by qualified and specially trained nursing staff that may care for more babies than in level 1 intensive care. Medical supervision is not as immediate as in level 1 intensive care. Care includes support of the infant's parent(s).


Level 1 Intensive Care (Maximal Intensive Care): Care given in an intensive care nursery which provides continuous skill supervision by qualified and specially trained nursing and medical staff.  Such care includes support of the infant's parent(s).


NB: Resuscitation carried out immediately after birth and completed within an hour or so does not constitute intensive care.